Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I wanna be in a dimly lit room with you...

I feel like I'm surrounded by magical fairy dust lately. Like there are mini, tinsel covered angels whispering about girls, ideas, colours, and spectrums into my gently stretched ears. I also feel like there is a little gnome man standing on a bridge just out of my sight, guiding all kinds of wonderful new friends my way. Pastel eh? Not quite...well, maybe a little. I walk this line of porn, and divinity white on a daily basis, and it's very interesting to say the least. I feel charged, and creative...to tears almost. Bursting with excitement, and lustful passion with everything I touch. Human, camera, whatever. Once in awhile, I get kinda ranty, and have to barf all my internal thoughts all over the internet. Call it therapeutic. I guess I just like to throw my head out into the world, and see if anyone understands. Anyone? Anyone? Whatevs.

Now maybe it's just my own ego, but I feel like something special has been happening lately. Like I am seeing the beauty in others more clearly, and becoming very fused to them when we spend time together. I constantly feel like everyone around me is "getting it", this secret flow of streaming energy that is painted neon, and lights up dark rooms, and small spaces. I don't think I'm seeing things. I really think it exists.

My dad just called. He repeated everything I just wrote. Weird. The Wizard of Awes.

I kinda hate to put the word "photography" on any of this, since I think it's just a blanket term, and I didn't even really want to go there vocally because I am very closed about it, really. It's like having people read my diary...and the only truly successful shoots are when we just hang...quietly. Everything else, done any other way, is absolute bullshit to me. (whether other people think it's kinda cool or not, is irrelivent...I generally hate it, and rarely look back on any of it, because it just works me all up, and gets me negative.) I think I'm going to be one of those diva artists who now says "If you want my product, it will be on my terms...which means, get the fuck outta here, and just leave me with the girl. See you in 4 hours." I don't feel like the "normal" way works for me, and I hate how other people just do it like machines, as if there is no other way. It shows, dude. No fancy PS skillz, or expert makeup crews, teams of people, or the motivation of fame and fortune will EVER make me completely happy with the outcome. I couldn't care less. It's all too personal to me, and I will no longer pump out shit to satisfy the demands of others. I would rather handpick my girls outta the heavens, or have them divinely find their way to me, bring them into Kalven and I's new world, and do things properly. Wow. Just saying that feels so good.

I wanna pick toy cars outta the sandbox with you again, Nana. Come see me tonight. We need to talk.

Hey guys, do me a favor today...do something really nice for yourself. Get centered, and dream. This race is all just an illusion.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sometimes I wish I was Bardot and Warhol's lovechild...

Seriously, why is this the first time I've even THOUGHT of having a blog? Spilling my guts to the internet has been a solace for me, for many years. Random rantings, and egotistical flows. Visions, and diluted and romanticized versions of my day to day. Well, here it all goes, I guess...

I was watching a bio on Brigitte Bardot today. I am fascinated with her. I think she is perfection. Rebellious, sexy, and well spoken. Selfish, and strong, while still carrying that sense of vulnerability. The perfect mesh of female. Where was I going with this? I dunno. I just wanted to put it out there, I guess. Call these types of women towards me, because they are the epitome of what I want to capture in my photos. A modern pin-up. The unobtainable. Not the girl next door...more like this creature that has been sent from the planet Babe, that you can only stare at, because she is far too perfect to ever even think of approaching. That being said, she is lovely. Funny, outgoing, and secure. She probably has a regular dude, who loves her to death. She probably has an office day job. This is what I mean. It's an illusion, the preconceptions...and I like that. It's fantastic. I will never grow tired of looking at strong, beautiful women, and listening to their lives. I think I'm in the right industry, because as far as I can see, the world will never grow tired of that either. It's timeless. It's perfect. Everyone loves a girl that could possibly be a little crazy. End of story.

I shot this rad girl yesterday. Her name is Marie-Claude, and she is exactly what I'm talking about. She told me how everyone thinks she's a stripper or a porn star (I thought the same when I first came across her on Model Mayhem), but really she bought big tatas because she loved how Dolly Parton's looked. She told me that with a smile, as she pointed to an album cover on my wall. I was also enlightened on the fact that their is a size restriction in Canada. Did you know that?!? You can buy 'em, but only up to a FF. They don't have that rule in the US. Isn't that weird? Like Canadian chicks aren't actually ALLOWED to look RIDICULOUSLY busty, unless they order them for an insanely inflated rate, which obviously keeps the ginormous hooter rate down. Sad, I think. Let the girl have her boobs! Dolly's if she wants! Geeeeez.

We got kicked off the incinerator bridge, but we still stuck in some shots AS security was walking towards us. Apparently EVERY camera in the office was pointed at us, and they let us shoot for awhile, because I think the dudes were waiting for MC to get naked...FINALLY, a girl security guard got frustrated, and came up to shut us down. Everyone was cool about it, and we had some laughs. OF COURSE a dude guard pulled up at the foot of the ramp, RIGHT when he saw we were walking down. He made small talk with us, and then invited us to shoot at his apartment. We decided to just go freak out some Sunday afternoon bikers, and dog walkers out in Mile End, instead...but only after he told me that I was unable to get an incinerator permit through him. Meh. I tried.

I wrote something about Warhol once. I thought I'd share a paragraph...

I watched the biography of Andy Warhol for the 10th time this week. He's a bit of a personal hero to me. A simple, brilliant, business man. Ironic, insecure, and non apologetic. Fabulous, and iconic, while still being silly, and dismissive. He didn't take Pop too seriously, or his role as an artist.

"Why do people think artists are special? It's just another job."

Everything in this world that people think is so fantastic, is just hype. All of it. Being an artist, is being your own hype man. "Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art."Basically, being an "good" artist means bullshitting everyone into buying a product they don't need, but you think they should have it. It's being a sales person, and pitching your work. Convincing others that going any other way with a project would be stupid. It's all walking this fine line of humility, and ego. It's an addiction for me, and has been for many years.

"Isn't life just a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?"