Monday, June 16, 2008

Why I Don't "Watermark" My Photos...

I get this a lot..."Why don't you watermark your imagesss?!? Someone could steeeal them, or copy themmm!....."

Here's why: I don't really care.

I'm an artist. I don't do things just to get paid. I also don't do things to jam my name down people's throats. I take pictures because that's how I communicate. Some people like that, and then pay me to speak for them. That's cool. Other's just listen to it, and admire it. That's cool too. Some people "right click save" and add my images to their desktop. problem. What's the worst that could happen? Someone takes a low-res photo of mine, and copies it, or tries to make money on it, or god forbid, publishes it? MEH. Aw well. Thanx for thinking I'm rad enough to steal from. If it's in my face and I see it, I'll ask about it, but I'm not going call in the dogs. It's a moment captured, and once you see it, it becomes a part of you as well. It's just a picture.

I also don't feel like I need to write my name all over everything. I have a style that is constant. If you loooove it, you'll find out who I am. Not a big deal. You know what a Warhol looks like, right? Well, like him, I'll keep jamming out my stish, and you'll begin to recognize it...or not...whatever.I am no stranger to people copying me. I am no stranger to having influence on others. I had years of making and selling clothing on EBay, and whatever I did one week, was what people were doing next...on the exact same backdrop, mind you. I got used to it, upped my game, and kept moving forward. If you want to copy last week, you will ALWAYS be LAST WEEK.

Exposure is priceless. Remember that. Also remember that your product is only 20% of the total equation. The other 80% is how you hawk it to others, and how hard you push to move forward. I know I'm not the best photographer in Montreal. I'm very aware. BUT, I'm a pretty rad chick who made it her full time job to get to know YOU, who works really fucking hard, and doesn't let money rule her career. I will never just blend in. It's not my style. Being called "edgy" isn't a bad thing. It just means that it's off the beaten path, avant garde, and progressive. I would take that ANY day, because then I don't feel like I'm wasting everyone's time with the same old shit they've been force fed by industry standards, and school curriculums. "Take a lighting course, Danny." Fuck you. "Take a photoshop class, Danny." Fuck you. "You need to know studio, to make any money, Danny." FUCK YOU...and hand me that flashlight, and that piece of tinfoil, you fool. Watermark THIS. See ya in the funnies.

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